وتستمر فعاليات ديزني على الجليد حتى 20 سبتمبر / أيلول في بوليفارد الرياض، وتقدم “100 عام من العجائب”، الذي يضم عروضا عالمية المستوى لمتزلجين من جميع أنحاء العالم لشخصيات من ديزني، منها موانا، وعلاء الدين، والجميلة والوحش، وحورية البحر الصغيرة، وتانغلد، والأميرة والضفدع، وسندريلا، والجميلة النائمة وغيرها كثير. يمكن الحجز لحضور العرض من خلال الرابط التالي Disney on Ice Tickets :
في هذه الصورة التي تم إصدارها يوم الثلاثاء 12 سبتمبر 2023، يعيد فنانو الأداء إنشاء مشاهد من كلاسيكيات ديزني خلال عرض ” مائه عام من العجائب وعرض ديزني علي الجليد ” في بوليفارد الرياض. ويستمر العرض حتى 20 سبتمبر في بوليفارد مدينة الرياض، ويقدم عروضاً عالمية المستوى لمتزلجين من جميع أنحاء العالم.
يعد بوليفارد رياض سيتي أحد أكبر الوجهات الترفيهية في عاصمة المملكة حيث يضم مناطق فرعية لها مميزاتها وأنشطتها ومطاعمها وفعالياتها الخاصة.
تأسست شركة والت ديزني في 16 أكتوبر عام 1923 على يد والت وروي ديزني، وقد أصبحت شركة والت ديزني معروفة عالميا بقصصها الخالدة وشخصياتها المحبوبة بالإضافة إلى إنجازاتها المذهلة في مجال الترفيه. ومنذ ظهور شخصية ميكي ماوس عام 1928 إلى افتتاح أول ديزني لاند عام 1955، قامت الشركة باستمرار بتوسيع حدود الابتكار والإبداع.
في هذه الصورة التي تم إصدارها يوم الثلاثاء 12 سبتمبر 2023، يعيد فنانو الأداء إنشاء مشاهد من كلاسيكيات ديزني خلال عرض ” مائه عام من العجائب وعرض ديزني علي الجليد ” في بوليفارد الرياض. ويستمر العرض حتى 20 سبتمبر في بوليفارد مدينة الرياض، ويقدم عروضاً عالمية المستوى لمتزلجين من جميع أنحاء العالم.
كيفية شراء التذاكر
يرجى الاطلاع على قسم الجدول الزمني والتذاكر في هذا الموقع لمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية شراء التذاكر قبل العرض. لشراء التذاكر في يوم الحدث، يرجى التوجه مباشرة إلى شباك التذاكر في الساحة.
تنصح فيلد انترتينمنت العملاء بعدم شراء التذاكر من مواقع إعادة البيع او غيرها حيث لا يمكننا ضمان صلاحية التذاكر. قم دائما بزيارة موقع www.disneyonice.com مباشرة، أو توجه إلى أحد شركائنا المعتمدين، للحصول على تذاكر صالحة ومضمونة.
حولالهيئة العامة للترفيه
تأسست الهيئة العامة للترفيه تماشيا مع رؤية السعودية 2030 لتنظيم وتطوير قطاع الترفيه من خلال توفير عروض ترفيهية شاملة وعالمية المستوى من شأنها أن تدفع الصناعة للمساهمة في تحقيق الأهداف الوطنية لمجتمع نابض بالحياة واقتصاد مزدهر.
عنفيلد انترتينمنت
فيلد انترتينمنت هي الشركة الرائدة عالميا في إنتاج وتقديم تجارب ترفيهية عائلية حية ترفع الروح المعنوية وتخلق ذكريات لا تمحى، حيث يحضر عروضها 30 مليون شخص كل عام. قدمت عروض فيلد انترتينمنت في أكثر من 65 دولة في ست قارات، وتشمل بارنوم آند بيلي، رينغلينغ بروذرز، ديزني لايف، فيلد موتور سبورتس
أبو ظبي (الإمارات العربية المتحدة) 12 سبتمبر 2023: أعلنت اللجنة المنظمة لقمة AIM للاستثمار “ملتقى الاستثمار السنوي” أحد أكبر التجمعات الاستثمارية حول العالم، عن انطلاق فعاليات الدورة الثالثة عشرة تحت شعار “التكيف مع تحول المشهد الاستثماري: تسخير إمكانات جديدة لتطوير التنمية الاقتصادية عالميًا “، بحلتها الجديدة وذلك خلال الفترة من 7 إلى 9 مايو المقبل، في مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض.
وتستضيف العاصمة أبوظبي للسنة الثانية على التوالي فعاليات قمة (AIM) للاستثمار بدعم من وزارة الصناعة والتكنولوجيا المتقدمة، ودائرة التنمية الاقتصادية – أبوظبي (الشريك الرئيسي)، بعد النجاح الباهر الذي حققته الدورة السابقة، باستقطاب 10313 مشاركاً من 175 دولة حول العالم، وشهدت 281 جلسة ضمت 693 متحدثاً.
وتسعى القمة من خلال تنظيم باقة من الفعاليات والأنشطة المتنوعة، إلى توفير منصة مثالية تجمع نخبة القادة، والمسؤولين الحكوميين، وصنّاع القرار والسياسات، ورجال الأعمال، وكبار المستثمرين الإقليميين والدوليين، وكبريات الشركات والمنظمات العالمية، على مدار ثلاثة أيام لتسليط الضوء على المستجدات في المشهد الاستثماري العالمي، والخروج بحلول مبتكرة لمواجهة التحديات والمتغيرات الحالية والمستقبلية، وصولًا إلى اقتصاد عالمي مزدهر ومستدام.
وقال معالي الدكتور ثاني بن أحمد الزيودي، وزير دولة للتجارة الخارجية: “نجحت قمة (AIM) للاستثمار على مدار أكثر من عقد في تقديم منصة رائدة لصناع القرار وقادة الأعمال والمستثمرين والمسؤولين الحكوميين لمناقشة واستكشاف سبل جديدة لتعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي والاستثماري عالمياً.”
وأضاف معاليه إن استضافة مثل هذه الفعاليات الدولية المهمة تعزز المكانة الاستراتيجية لدولة الإمارات على خريطة الاستثمار العالمية بوصفها وجهة استثمارية مفضلة للاستثمارات الدولية الباحثة عن فرص للنمو والتوسع والازدهار، بالإضافة إلى كونها واحدة من أكبر الدول المستثمرة حول العالم، كما تتماشى مع توجهات دولة الإمارات الاستثمارية الرامية إلى المساهمة في تخطي التحديات الراهنة التي تواجه الاقتصاد العالمي، وتحقيق التنمية والازدهار والاستدامة في الدول المستقبلة للاستثمارات الإماراتية.
من جانبه، قال معالي أحمد جاسم الزعابي، رئيس دائرة التنمية الاقتصادية – أبوظبي: “انطلاقًا من النجاح الملحوظ الذي حققته الدورة السابقة من قمة (AIM) للاستثمار، فإننا نعمل لتلبية مستوى عال من توقعات مجتمع الاستثمار العالمي. باعتبارها عاصمة رؤوس الأموال، تقود أبوظبي المحادثات العالمية حول توقعات وديناميكيات الاستثمار في عصر يتسم بالتحولات الضخمة. نسعى لتحفيز واستقطاب وتوجيه الاستثمارات الداخلية والخارجية من خلال نهج يرتكز على جعل التنمية البشرية ومعايير الاستدامة وتوظيف التكنولوجيا المتقدمة المحور والمحرك الرئيسي لخطط التنمية الاجتماعية والاقتصادية على المستويين المحلي والدولي، فضلًا عن دعم جداول الأعمال البيئية والاجتماعية والحوكمة، وتعزيز التعاون والعمل الدولي المشترك لتحسين جودة الحياة للجميع.”
وقال داوود الشيزاوي رئيس مؤسسة (AIM) العالمية: “في ظل ما يشهده العالم من تحديات مختلفة مثل تغير المناخ، وتحديات سلاسل الإمداد العالمية، والأمن الغذائي، وتضخم الأسعار، وبالتزامن مع استمرار انخفاض النمو الاقتصادي العالمي، يأتي الإعلان عن الهوية الجديدة لقمة (AIM) للاستثمار لتوفير منصة مثالية لنخبة القادة وصناع القرار حول العالم لتبادل الخبرات والتجارب والآراء حول كيفية التصدي لتلك التحديات وإعادة تشكيل مشهد التجارة والاستثمار العالمي.
وتنظم القمة باقة من الفعاليات ضمن محوري الاستثمار والابتكار والتكنولوجيا، حول موضوعات مختلفة تشمل الزراعة، والطاقة، والتكنولوجيا، والصناعة، والسياحة، والشحن، والخدمات المالية، والصحة والتعليم، وذلك بالتعاون مع عدد من الهيئات الدولية مثل منظمة الصحة العالمية، والسياحة العالمية، واليونيدو، والأونكتاد، ومنظمة التجارة العالمية، ومنظمة التعاون الاقتصادي والتنمية، والوكالة الدولية للطاقة المتجددة.
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA – Media OutReach – 12 September 2023 – Running until September 20 at Boulevard Riyadh City, Disney on Ice presents ‘100 Years of Wonder’. The show presents world-class performances from skaters from across the globe featuring characters from Disney’s Moana, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, Tangled, The Princess and the Frog, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty and many more. Reservations to attend the show can be made through the following link: Disney on Ice Tickets
In this image released on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023, performers recreate scenes from Disney classics during ‘Disney on Ice – 100 Years of Wonder’ at the BLVD Arena in Riyadh. Running until September 20 at Boulevard Riyadh City, the show presents world-class performances from skaters from across the globe. (GEA via AP Images)
Boulevard Riyadh City is one of the biggest entertainment destinations in the capital of Saudi Arabia with sub-zones that have their own features, activities, restaurants and events.
Founded on the 16th of October 1923 by Walt and Roy Disney, the Walt Disney Company has become globally recognized for its timeless stories and beloved characters as well as its amazing achievements in entertainment. From the creation of Mickey Mouse in 1928 to the opening of the first Disney Land in 1955, the company has continually pushed the boundaries of innovation and creativity.
In this image released on Tuesday, Sept. 12, 2023, performers recreate scenes from Disney classics during ‘Disney on Ice – 100 Years of Wonder’ at the BLVD Arena in Riyadh. Running until September 20 at Boulevard Riyadh City, the show presents world-class performances from skaters from across the globe. (GEA via AP Images)
How to purchase tickets
Please see the Schedule and Tickets section of this website for more information on how to buy tickets in advance of the show. To purchase tickets the day of the event, please go directly to the arena box office.
FELD Entertainment advises customers to not purchase tickets from fan resale sites or secondary ticketing sites, as we cannot guarantee the tickets are valid. Always go to www.disneyonice.com direct, or to one of our approved partners, for best availability and guaranteed valid tickets.
About GEA
The General Entertainment Authority was established in line with Saudi Vision 2030 to regulate and develop the entertainment sector by providing inclusive, world-class entertainment offerings that would drive the industry to proactively contribute to the fulfillment of the national goals of a Vibrant Society and a Thriving Economy.
About Feld Entertainment
Feld Entertainment is the worldwide leader in producing and presenting live touring family entertainment experiences that lift the human spirit and create indelible memories, with 30 million people in attendance at its shows each year. Feld Entertainment’s productions have appeared in more than 65 countries on six continents and include Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey®, Feld Motor Sports, Disney On Ice and Disney Live!.
BofA Securities and BNP Paribas Exaneshare first place as top research provider in the Developed Europe survey
BofA Securities, HSBC and J.P. Morgan share top spot in Emerging EMEA
LONDON, Sept. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Institutional Investor Research (II Research) surveys are the leading provider of market sentiment in the financial industry. Research budgets remain flat and asset managers are using fewer analysts, but demand for bespoke opinion means that close client relationships and “trusted source” status becomes more important than ever before. With MiFID regulations potentially being rolled back across Europe and UK, the focus on the provision of quality research advisory services may result in a more competitive environment and we may see an increase in research teams across the industry.
There were no changes to the industry and country sector categories this year. The 2023 Developed Europe Research results reflects the opinions of 5,462 portfolio managers and analysts (up from 4,692 in 2022) from 1,813 institutions (up from 1,696 in 2022). The total number of votes has also increased from last year, by 11%. Over 180 firms have submitted centralised or coordinated votes, underscoring the robust nature of the results as an accurate reflection of market sentiment.
Results Highlights
Developed Europe Research
The Leaders’ Board remains intensely competitive, with seven companies competing for the honour of being rated best research house. BofA Securities and BNP Paribas Exane were ranked in first place, both with 38 published positions. J.P. Morgan once again follows in third place taking 31 positions with UBS achieving fourth place with 30 ranked teams. Barclays built on the momentum they gathered in 2022, gaining three published positions and rising to 5th overall; Morgan Stanley places sixth. The largest gain on the Leader’s Board came from Jefferies in seventh, which gained 10 positions from 2022. Citi, Bernstein and Kepler Cheuvreux take the final three places in the Developed Europe Top 10, displacing Credit Suisse that shared joint 11th place with Societe Generale.
BNP Paribas Exane once again claims first place in the analyst-ranked tables with 44 positions, followed by BofA Securities (41), J.P. Morgan (35 positions) and Barclays (31), which climbed two places.
Emerging EMEA Research
HSBC and J.P. Morgan were joined by BofA Securities as joint first place in the Emerging EMEA Leaders’ Table all with 17 published positions. Morgan Stanley took fourth place with 8 positions. Citi and UBS shared fifth.
In the commission-weighted analyst tables, the top three positions were unchanged; HSBC came first with 33 published positions, followed by J.P. Morgan with 22 positions and BofA Securities with 18. Morgan Stanley pushed up seven places to 15 to take fourth and UBS came fifth place with 13 positions to complete the leading winners. Vote participation up 14% this year with 934 voters from 286 companies.
David Enticknap, Head of II Research said “With MiFID regulations potentially being rolled back across Europe and UK, the focus on the provision of quality research advisory services may result in a more competitive environment, and we may see an increase in research teams across the industry. The Institutional Investor rankings represent the gold standard in assessment of quality in equity research, recognised globally for the integrity of the process and depth of coverage.”
For over 50 years, Institutional Investor has been conducting independent research surveys with global investment professionals who evaluate and determine the best performing sell side service providers, asset managers and CEOs, CFOs, IROs and IR Programs across Europe, Emerging EMEA, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America. The research data independently captures evaluations of companies, investment professionals and executives from investment managers, banks, research providers and corporate issuers, to deliver detailed peer-to-peer comparative analyses every year; the feedback helps inform strategic decision making and improve resource and process management.
36 companies (Core, Large Cap & Small-Mid Cap) came first in at least five voting areas in their sectors in Developed Europe and 16 companies for Emerging EMEA
LONDON, Sept. 12, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Institutional Investor Research (II Research) surveys are the leading provider of independent performance validation and market sentiment across 8 global capital markets. Executive Team surveys are an independent platform for investment and sell-side professionals to evaluate credibility, communication, financial stewardship and capital allocation of corporate leadership, the quality of IR across multiple activities and the effectiveness of the Board of Directors. The results from the survey, an in-depth capability and benchmark analysis, capture the feeling and trust levels of stakeholders in their equity assets.
This year saw 2,733 CEOs, CFOs, and IROs from 1,266 nominated companies receiving votes in the survey. Combined voters saw 1,872 voters from 851 voting companies. The number of votes increased by over 20% since 2022 for the Developed Europe survey and 46% for the Emerging EMEA survey.
2023 Emerging EMEA Executive Team — Core results
281 companies and 503 individuals were nominated across 11 sectors.
Eight companies clinched a clean sweep first place in the combined rankings in five voting areas for Best CEO, Best CFO, Best Investor Relations Professional, Best IR Company, Best Analyst/Investor Event, Best ESG Metrics, and Best Company Board in their respective sectors:
Al Rajhi Bank (Saudi Arabia, Financials), Coca-Cola Icecek (Turkey, Consumer), Haci Omer Sabanci Holding (Turkey, Industrials), Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (Greece, Technology, Media & Telecommunications), Lamda Development (Greece, Construction & Real Estate), MLP Saglik Hizmetleri (Turkey, Health Care & Pharmaceuticals), Mytilineos Holdings (Greece, Metals & Mining) and Petkim Petrokimya Holding (Turkey, Chemicals).
2023 Emerging EMEA Executive Team — Large Cap results
95 companies and 197 individuals were nominated across 11 sectors.
Six companies clinched a clean sweep first place in the combined rankings five of the seven aforementioned voting areas:
Al Rajhi Bank (Saudi Arabia, Financials), Emaar Properties (United Arab Emirates, Construction & Real Estate), Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (Greece, Technology, Media & Telecommunications), Koc Holding (Turkey, Industrials), Opap (Greece, Consumer) and Turk Hava Yollari (Turkey, Transportation).
2023 Emerging EMEA Executive Team — Small & Midcap results
186 companies and 306 individuals were nominated across 11 sectors.
Ten companies obtained a clean sweep first place in the combined rankings in five of the seven aforementioned voting areas:
Aegean Airlines (Greece, Transportation), Coca-Cola Icecek (Turkey, Consumer), Haci Omer Sabanci Holding (Turkey, Industrials), Lamda Development (Greece, Construction & Real Estate), MLP Saglik Hizmetleri (Turkey, Health Care & Pharmaceuticals), Motor Oil (Hellas) Corinth Refineries (Greece, Oil & Gas), Mytilineos Holdings (Greece, Metals & Mining), Petkim Petrokimya Holding (Turkey, Chemicals), Piraeus Financial Holdings (Greece, Financials) and Turk Telekomunikasyon (Turkey, Technology Media & Telecommunications).
Amani Korayeim, Director for Europe and Emerging EMEA, says “The Institutional Investor rankings are recognised as an industry benchmark by its stakeholders and determine compensation packages and KPIs for IR teams that are empowered and valued by their leadership teams. Investor Relations is critical in shareholder value creation. In fact, good IR, often recognised through the Institutional Investor’s rankings, can deliver a competitive advantage, and help companies trade at a premium. Conversely, poor IR can lead to the company being traded at a discount, create greater volatility and higher cost of capital. The highest ranked companies in our surveys tend to measure and monitor the effectiveness of their IR activities very closely. These are the teams that take a strategic and deliberate approach to their market engagement, use underlying research data and perception intelligence to continually optimise their IR interaction to close the gap between their competition and lock in prospect targets through a more personalised and targeted outreach. Congratulations to all the top ranked companies this year, we are particularly excited about the new names and regions that are represented in what the market defines as Best in Class IR.”
Institutional Investor owns the copyright to all survey and awards logos. To acquire access to the Institutional Investor award or survey logo for use in client pitch books, annual reports, websites, email signatures, local advertising, social media etc., please contact marketing@iiresearch.com
Ranking Analysis & Perception Intelligence
To request further information on how you can access the underlying survey research to identify strength and opportunities in IR through a multi-dimensional comparative peer analysis, please contact amani.korayeim@iiresearch.com
For over 50 years, Institutional Investor has been conducting independent research surveys with global investment professionals who evaluate and determine the best performing sell side service providers, asset managers and CEOs, CFOs, IROs and IR Programs across Europe, Emerging EMEA, Asia Pacific, North America and Latin America. The research data independently captures evaluations of companies, investment professionals and executives from investment managers, banks, research providers and corporate issuers, to deliver detailed peer-to-peer comparative analyses every year; the feedback helps inform strategic decision making and improve resource and process management.
The Independent Commission for Human Rights "Board of Grievances" followed with great concern the escalation steps that the Doctors Syndicate announced its intention to begin implementing today, September 12, according to a statement it issued yesterday, including "not all doctors, including managers, going to their workplaces at all times." Ministry of Health facilities and hospitals, and the government must bear its responsibilities.” Which, if implemented, will lead to the cessation of government primary health care, from which hundreds of thousands of citizens benefit, and the violations it could lead to that affect the citizen’s right to the highest attainable level of health, especially for those with chronic diseases, and the rescheduling of surgical operations for patients. Already late, this increases their suffering and may worsen their health condition.
While the Commission affirms that the right to organize unions, peaceful assembly, organize strikes, express opinion, and other peaceful protest steps are among the basic rights stipulated in the Palestinian Basic Law, these rights must be exercised taking into account a number of other basic rights, especially The right of citizens to the highest attainable standard of health and their right to life. This has been confirmed by the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization that exercising the right to strike in the health sectors must not affect groups that need emergency health care and/or cannot be postponed, or lead to compromising the health and safety of citizens.
The Commission considered that the union dispute between the Doctors Syndicate on the one hand, and the government and the Allied Health Professions Syndicate on the other hand, must be resolved through dialogue, investigation and mediation committees, or through submitting complaints to the competent authorities.
Accordingly, the independent body demanded the following:
1. The necessity of opening a rapid, serious and real dialogue to resolve this union dispute in a way that preserves citizens’ health rights and dignity, and in a way that also ensures the necessary appreciation and respect for members of the Medical Syndicate and all workers in the health sector.
2. The need to expedite the completion of the implementation procedures for Decree Law No. 31/2018 regarding medical and health protection and safety, including special rules and regulations and medical protocols, and the formation of committees and the establishment of funds stipulated in the law.
The Authority expressed its readiness to foster and facilitate a constructive dialogue between the parties in order to come up with a balanced formula to resolve the dispute causing this strike, and to preserve health and union rights